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CDSNA DUBH GHLASE Newsletter Sample
September 2017 issue of the Dubh Ghlase Newsletter in PDF format. You must Adobe Reader or a similar reader to view.
Information pertaining to triennial (every three years) General Members' Business Meeting and Members' Banquet. This section will be updated as information becomes available. THE NEXT GMM WILL BE 2027 and information will be in the Dubh Ghlase Newsletter when available. Join CDSNA if you want a copy of the newsletter and to find out about the GMM event. Adobe Acrobat Reader (Free) is required to view these documents.
2022 -- 10ft CDSNA banner.png (18.5M)
The file will allow you to have a 10' vinyl banner printed for festival events. This updated jpeg file includes all sept & allied family names approved by CDSNA through September 2022. If you need a different-sized banner in this style or have difficulty downloading/using this file, contact Asst VP Harold Edington.
2022 -- 8 ft banner.png (19.2M)
The file will allow you to have a 8' vinyl banner printed for festival events. This updated jpeg file includes all sept & allied family names approved by CDSNA through September 2022. If you need a different-sized banner in this style or have difficulty downloading/using this file, contact Asst VP Harold Edington.
CDSNA Bylaws 2024-2027 (146K)
CDSNA Combined Bi-fold 2024-2027 (1.1M)
Form updated SEP 2024 to use with NEW and RENEWING members
The ONE STOP form is a post-event reporting form for the clan Secretary and Storekeeper filled out by the Regent. This form combines three previous reporting forms into a single form. The form can be printed and filled manually or digitally filled using many PDF reader programs*. Once the form is completed, it can be mailed (printed form) or digitally sent as an email attachment to the Clan Secretary. *Nitro PDF Reader (free version) allows a user to edit and sign a PDF form. This form updated January 2023.
Have you entertained thoughts about being a Clan Representative? This Guideline for our Clan Douglas Regents may assist you in making a decision. A good information resource for anyone wanting to represent their clan. If you have a creative or useful idea to contribute to the Guidebook, you can contact AVP & Editor Harold Edington.
This is a teaser for the booklet containing all the research (as of 2018)pertaining to our list of accepted CDSNA septs and allied families. A great tent resource! Regents can contact the author for a complete PDF file ready for printing.
CDSNA Scholarship Form Nov 2024 (275K)
CDSNA, Ltd. Scholarship Eligibility Criteria Each fiscal year Clan Douglas Society of North America, Ltd. will award up to four scholarships in the amount of $250.00 each. Applicants must be dedicated to continuing their instruction and furthering their education in the field of Scottish art, which includes piping, drumming, dancing, Scottish related languages, general Scottish studies, or traditional Scottish Highland athletics. To be eligible, an applicant must have been an active member of Clan Douglas for a minimum of one year or a direct descendant of an active member. Active membership will be certified by the Secretary and determined as of April 30th following receipt of application for scholarship. Members of the scholarship committee and their descendants are not eligible. Applications must be post marked by May 1st. Applications will be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee, which will make recommendations to the board of directors for approval. Recipients will be announced at the Annual General Meeting of Clan Douglas. DEADLINE IS MAY 1st of the year of application.
CDSNA Store Goods Order Fillable Form.pdf (223K)
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