Clan Douglas Members compete in a variety of Highland Games across the USA, Canada,
and Scotland. One such member, Terri Ventress, has excelled at the sport as the first woman featuredin ESPN Terri Ventress can throw just about anything -- and has 14 world records to prove it - ESPN .
Ladies - Step up to the Trig and become a better version of yourself as a Heavy Athlete.
Interested in competing?
Each competition may have some or all of the following events.
The thrower must compete in all events in a particular competition.
Here is a short description of the various events:
Braemar Stone Put - This stone put uses a heavier stone usually between 22 and 28 pounds and it must be shot put from a standing position. The same throwing area and fouls for the open stone apply.
Open Stone Put
A stone that weighs usually between 16 and 22 pounds is used. Any style of shot putting is allowed with the spin and glide styles being the most popular. The throwing area is a box 4'6" wide and 7'6" long. The thrower must keep one foot inside this area and not step over the back line or inside face of the trig or the throw is a foul. -
56lb. Weight for Distance
The weight can be either block or spherical shaped with links and a handle. The overall length cannot exceed 18". The weight is thrown with one hand in a throwing area 4'6" x 9'. The thrower must keep one foot inside this area and not step over the back line or inside face of the trig or the throw is a foul. -
28lb. Weight for Distance
Same as the 56lb. Weight for Distance except a 28lb. weight is used. -
22lb. Hammer Throw
The hammer has a lead or steel head with a bamboo or rattan handle affixed through a hole in the head. The overall length cannot exceed 50". The athlete stands behind the trig with their back to the throwing area, winds the hammer around the head and releases over the shoulder. The athlete's feet must remain in a fixed position until the hammer is released. Boots with blades attached to the front of them are usually worn to keep the feet on the ground and in a fixed position. -
16lb. Hammer Throw
Same as the 22lb. Hammer Throw except a 16lb. hammer is used. -
Caber Toss
The Caber is a tree that has been cut and trimmed down so one end is slightly wider than the other. It can vary length from 16' to 22' and between 100 -180 pounds. The smaller end is rounded off so it will be easy to cup in the thrower's hands. The caber is stood up for the thrower with the large end up. The thrower hoists the caber up and cups the small end in his hands. He then takes a short run with the caber and then stops and pulls the caber so that the large end hits the ground and the small end flips over and faces away from the thrower. The caber is scored for accuracy as though the thrower is facing the 12:00 position on a clock face. A judge behind the thrower calls how close to the 12:00 position the small end of the caber lands, 12:00 being a perfect toss. If the caber is not turned, a side judge calls the degrees of the angle the caber makes with the ground. Sometimes a Challenge Caber is also used which is larger than the Games Caber. -
Sheaf Toss
The sheaf is a 16lb. or 20lb. burlap or plastic bag stuffed with either chopped rope, straw, or mulch. The sheaf is tossed over a cross bar with a pitch fork. Three attempts are allowed at each height. If the thrower misses all three tries at one height, the he is out of the competition. -
56lb. Weight for Height
The weight for height is the same as used for distance except it is shorter. The weight is tossed over a cross bar with one hand. Three attempts are allowed at each height. If the thrower misses all three tries at one height, the he is out of the competition.