You can join CDSNA by purchasing your membership at the CDSNA Store.
What do you get for your CDSNA dues?
Membership in Clan Douglas Society has a variety of benefits. The benefits include:
The “Dubh Ghlase”, our international newsletter published four times per year is sent to the main member via Constant Contact. The “Dubh Ghlase” offers QUARTERLY REPORTS and ANNOUNCEMENTS from CDSNA National Officers, Douglas and Scottish themed articles by international guest authors, interesting historical perspectives, amazing art form artists such as Andrew Hillhouse and Andrew Spratt, and Quarterly Scottish/Celtic festival event narratives from our CDSNA Regents and, occasionally, from our CDSNA members. Contact us If you have accidentally unsubscribed. Otherwise, you will not receive the newsletter.
Facebook Page for event information: “Clan Douglas Society of North America”.
Facebook Group for social interaction and event info: “Clan Douglas Society of North America, Ltd.”
Periodic contact on a local level by CDSNA Regents regarding local events and Facebook groups.
Clan Douglas Tents at highland games and festivals in each state where a Regent has volunteered. We have opening so please go to the Regents page to see our availability.
Regional, state and local gatherings such as dinners, ceilidhs, picnics, outings, etc.
Scholarship opportunities in areas of Scottish education in the field of Scottish art, which includes piping, drumming, dancing, Scottish related languages or general Scottish studies, and Scottish Highland Games athletics.
Opportunities to share your interest areas with other Clan Douglas members (genealogy, history, dance, music, etc.).
Dues include spouse and all dependent children participating in events; families and younger members are welcome and encouraged to attend most functions. If your spouse wants their own membership card and/or life membership certificate and to receive the Dubh Ghlase, they will need to buy their own membership.
Opportunity to participate in the preservation of Clan Douglas lands, buildings and artifacts through donations to Douglas construction projects in Scotland.
Periodic opportunities for group travel to historic sites.
A source of unique Clan Douglas-related merchandise from our online store and at events. Art for clothing includes “Castle Dangerous” work by Internationally renowned Artist, Andrew Hillhouse.
National, Regional and/or State Members who will share information and advice at no cost to the member.
Suggestions on local and international archival information available conveniently online.
Clan Douglas archival material and genealogy material is located at the Odum Library, part of Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Georgia.
List of genealogy resources for your use.
Membership includes a welcome letter and membership card.
Life membership includes a welcome letter, membership card, and a Life Membership Certificate signed by the President and Secretary of CDSNA.
Membership Options:
Membership for 1 Year is $20.00.
Membership for 3 Years is $55.00.
Life Membership under 60 is $300.00 or​​
Life Membership 60 & over is $200.00 ​
PayPal does offer payments terms to split the Life Membership into four payments, if you qualify with PayPal.
Join us!
A Douglas! A Douglas! A Douglas!